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The First Western Greeks

David Ridgway

[PDF.nf26] The First Western Greeks

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 | #680589 in Books |  Cambridge University Press |  1993-01-29 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  8.50 x.63 x5.43l, | File type: PDF | 200 pages


||Language Notes|Text: English (translation)| Original Language: Italian

The purpose of this book is to acquaint a wider audience with an archaeological project that could hardly be more revolutionary: the effective discovery and excavation, from 1952 onwards, of the first Greek establishment in the West, Euboean Pithekoussai on the island of Ischia in the Bay of Naples. This vast trading settlement is not at all typical of the Western colonial scene. Pithekoussi is very large and very early, and it marks the northern limit of Greek South Ita...

You easily download any file type for your gadget.The First Western Greeks   |  David Ridgway. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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