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The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994-2014)

From Windgather Press

[PDF.vw54] The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994-2014)

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 | #616382 in Books |  2016-04-30 |  2016-05-14 | Original language:English |  11.25 x8.75 x2.00l,4.02 | File type: PDF | 512 pages

|| |“The Development of Neolithic house societies in Orkney is a superb publication and an essential reference volume for all those interested in prehistoric daily life.” (Jessica Smyth Antiquity)

“Overall this report represents

Considering that Orkney is a group of relatively small islands lying off the northeast coast of the Scottish mainland, its wealth of Neolithic archaeology is truly extraordinary. An assortment of houses, chambered cairns, stone circles, standing stones and passage graves provides an unusually comprehensive range of archaeological and architectural contexts. Yet, in the early 1990s, there was a noticeable imbalance between 4th and 3rd millennium cal BC ev...

You easily download any file type for your gadget.The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney: Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994-2014)   |  From Windgather Press. I was recommended this book by a dear friend of mine.

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