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Perspectives On Southwestern Prehistory (Investigations in American Archaeology)

Paul Minnis, Charles L Redman

[PDF.fu04] Perspectives On Southwestern Prehistory (Investigations in American Archaeology)

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Perspectives On Southwestern Prehistory  Paul Minnis, Charles L Redman summary

 | #5565764 in Books |  1990-07-19 | Original language:English | File type: PDF | 434 pages


Recent archaeoglogical work in the American Southwest and Northern Mexico has fueled a great deal of regionally specific research: archaeologists, faced with an avalanche of new and unassimilated data, tend to foucs on their own areas to the exclusion of the broader, panregional view. "Perspectives on Southwestern Prehistory" advocates the larger focus and brings together researchers from all across the Greater Southwest to examine hunters and gatherers, transitions to s...

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